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Arad: Blinded by light a vision is born la Muzeul de Artă
29 noiembrie, 2019 - 7 ianuarie, 2020

Artisti: Josépha Blanchet, Daniel Dan, Alex Halka Turcin, Andreea Medar, Silvia Moldovan, Cătălin Marius Petrișor
Eveniment de deschidere: Vineri, 29.11.2019, ora 6 PM
29.11.2019 – 7 .01.2020, Muzeul de Artă Arad
Organizat de META Spatiu contemporary art gallery, kinema ikon, Muzeul de Artă Arad
“Stare deep into the world before you as if it were the void: innumerable holy ghosts, buddhies, and savior gods there hide, smiling. All the atoms emitting light inside wavehood, there is no personal separation of any of it. A hummingbird can come into a house and a hawk will not: so rest and be assured. While looking for the light, you may suddenly be devoured by the darkness and find the true light’’
Lumina este principiul unificator al tuturor eternitatilor, intunericul este esenta. Privind in lumina puternica, devii, din nou, orb, in sensul pur al cuvantului. Precum un copil care se naste in lume, intr-o stare de totala suprindere estetica. Lumina unei imagini artistice ne poate, uneori, rani. Poate ne este teama ca e ultima oara cand o putem privi, incercand prea intens sa ii cuprindem sensul… Sau poate realizam ca nu este, de fapt, o realitate pragmatica.
Expozitia de fata ne transpune intr-un peisaj imaginar al luminii. Un loc straniu, dar totusi familiar, posibil al viitorului, ar trecutului sau al momentului actual. Vizibil dependent de conexiunea umana, este rezultatul unor forte complexe, pre-determinate de modul in care percepem dinamica dintre lumina si intuneric. Este nevoia determinarii estetice care ne ghideaza in universul intim al artistilor, conectati de principiul imuabil al luminii universale.
* EN
Light is the unifying principle of all eternities, dark is the very essence of it, starring into the powerful light makes you once again blind, in the purifying sense of the word. Like a new child of the world is born, in a state of total aesthetic awing. When we look at the light contained by an artistic image it can sometimes hurt. Maybe we are afraid that it is the last time we are able to look at it, trying to grasp it too hard… Or maybe we know that is actually not a pragmatic reality.
The exhibition transplants us into a fictional light scape. A strange, yet familiar place, potentially of the future, the past or even of the actual moment. Clearly dependent on human connection, it is a result of complex forces, pre-determined by the way we perceive the no longer opposing forces of light and dark. It is the need for aesthetic determination that guides us into the intimate universes created by the artists linked by the same reclusive, displacive quest for the immutable luminescence.