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Atena: Conferinta CIDOC 2008 – invitatie de participare!

15 septembrie, 2008 - 18 septembrie, 2008

Conferinta anuala a CIDOC (Comitetul International de Documentare pentru Muzee al ICOM) va fi anul acesta la Atena, gazduita de Muzeul Benaki, intre 15 – 18 septembrie 2008.

Conferinta aduna in fiecare an muzeografi, cercetatori, conservatori, documentaristi, informaticieni care lucreaza in domeniul evidentei, documentarii, cercetarii, publicarii si punerii in valoare a patrimoniului cultural. CIDOC ( http://cidoc.mediahost.org) aduna cele mai valoroase experiente in domeniul sistemelor informatice pentru muzee, managementului colectiilor, evidentei siturilor arheologice, digitizarii patrimoniului, standardelor de date si terminologice, prezentarilor multimedia, arhivelor de imagini etc.

Tema generala a conferintei din acest an este “The Digital Curation of Cultural Heritage”. Mai multe informatii despre conditii de participare gasiti pe pagina conferintei http://www.cidoc2008.gr/

Pana la sfarsitul acestei saptamani se mai pot trimite propuneri de comunicari. Exista si un numar de burse de participare pentru tineri, pentru care se poate trimite o solicitare insotita de CV si o estimare a cheltuielilor (partiale) pana la 1 iunie 2008.

Irina Oberlander-Tarnoveanu
CIMEC – Institutul de Memorie Culturala
Bucuresti, ROMANIA, www.cimec.ro

The Digital Curation of Cultural Heritage

Digital curation emerged as an important new concept in the theory and management of cultural information.

It covers all of the actions needed to maintain digitised and born-digital cultural objects and data, going beyond digital preservation to encompass their utilisation in the context of their entire life cycle, from acquisition and appraisal to exhibition, learning and commercial exploitation.

The focus of CIDOC 2008 on the digital curation of cultural heritage will allow curators, collection managers, documentalists, archivists and museum information specialists to explore a broad range of theoretical, methodological, professional practice and technological issues related to the appraisal, digitisation, management, representation, access and use of digital cultural assets, such as those increasigly becoming part of museum information systems and digital archives.

A core emphasis of the meeting will be to understand and re-contextualise the know-how and history of established curatorial practice in museums, and memory institutions, in general, in the new field of digital cultural heritage; to review and discuss the applicability of standards- and good practice-related work in the context of managing digital cultural information; and to identify and explore the issues, methods and challenges involved with the development of new genres and contexts of virtual exhibition, e-learning and technology-enhanced services for scholarship and research.


15 septembrie, 2008
18 septembrie, 2008
Event Category:


CIDOC (Comitetul Internațional de Documentare pentru Muzee al ICOM)