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Ploiești: Sesiunea internațională de comunicări științifice Arheologia Mileniului I p. Chr

29 august, 2013 - 31 august, 2013



ediția a XII-a, Ploiești, 29-31 august 2013



the 12th edition, Ploieşti, August 29 – 31TH, 2013


Joi 29 august / Thursday, 29 august

ora 1100 / 1100 hours

Deschiderea sesiunii / opening session

desfășurarea lucrărilor / papers

moderator: dr. Sorin Cociş (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

dr. Nelu Zugravu (Center for Christian and Classical Studies of the Faculty of History, “Al. I. Cuza” University Iași, Romania)

Câteva prejudecăţi în istoriografia şi arheologia românească a creştinismului din mileniul I

About some preconceptions in Romanian historiography and archaeology concerning 1st Millennium Christianity.

dr. Sorin Paliga (Dept. of Russian and Slavic Philology , University of Bucharest, Romania)

Zalele noastre de toate zilele.

Our all-day chain mail.

dr. Corneliu Beldiman (Faculty of History, „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Romania)

Microscopia tehnologiei antice: o nicovala de corn de cerb utilizată în procesarea artefactelor de fier.

Microscopy of ancient technology: a stag horn anvil used to produce iron outils.

dr. Diana-Maria Sztancs (Faculty of History, „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Romania)

Microscopia tehnologiei antice: vârfuri de os pentru prelucrarea pieilor descoperite la Capidava

Microscopy of ancient technology: bone tools from Capidava used to process leather.

dr. Coriolan Opreanu (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca)

Vlad Lazarescu (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca)

Cercetari geofizice recente la Porolissum

ora 1330 / 1330 hours

dejun / lunch break

ora 1500 / 1500 hours

desfășurarea lucrărilor

moderator: dr. Adrian Ardeţ (County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment, Caransebeș, Romania)

dr. Iosif Vasile Ferencz (Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation, Deva, Romania)

Piese de port și podoabă dacice descoperite la Ardeu, jud. Hunedoara

Dacian jewells and costume ornaments founded at Ardeu, Hunedoara County.

dr. Dorel Bondoc, Gabriela Filip (Oltenia History-Archeology Museum, Craiova, Romania)

Un atelier ceramic de la Cioroiu Nou

A new pottery workshop from Cioroiu Nou.

Marius Ardeleanu (Maramureş County Museum of History and Archaeology, Romania)

Descoperiri de terra sigillata în Bazinul Tisei Superioare (sec. II-III p. Chr.): elemente de datare relativă sau absolută?

Terra sigillata findings in Upper Tisa Basin (2nd-3rd centuries A.D.): elements for a relative or absolute chronology?

dr. Dan Aparaschivei (Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, Iași, Romania)

Vizibilitatea serviciilor medicale romane în războaiele cu dacii de la începutul secolului al II-lea p. Chr.

Visibility of medical roman services during Dacian wars from the beginning of the 2nd century A.D.

dr. Lavina Grumeza (County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment, Caranşebeş, Romania)

Războaiele romano-iazige (107–108; 117–118) și primele pătrunderi ale sarmaților în zona Banatului.

The Roman-Jazygian Wars (AD 107–108; 117–118) and the first Sarmatian infiltrations in Banat region

dr. Sorin Cociş, dr. Vitalie Bârcă (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Despre fibulele de tip „sarmatic” varianta cu buton la cap și coardă înaltă (Almgren grupa VII, seria I)

About „Sarmatic” fibulas with head-button and high pin rest (Almgren group VII, series I).

dr. Liana Loredana Oţa (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy, Bucureşti, Romania)

Despre cronologia mormintelor sarmatice din Muntenia

About chronology of sarmatian graves from Wallachia.

dr. Marian Neagu, Vasile Oprea (Lower Danube Museum, Călărași, Romania)

Descoperiri sarmatice pe Braţul Borcea şi în bazinele lacurilor Gălăţui şi Mostiştea

Sarmatian discoveries in the region of Borcea Dabune’s branch and in area of Gălăţui and Mostiştea lakes.

Ana- Cristina Hamat (County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment, Caransebeș, Romania)

Piesele de podoabă din Dacia. Importuri și producție locală în secolul al II-lea p. Chr.

The jewelery from Dacia. Import and local production in the IInd century AD

dr. Liviu Petculescu (National History Museum of Romania, Romania)

Un monument funerar al unui soldat de la Micia.

A funerary monument of a soldier from Micia.

dr. Liviu Petculescu (National History Museum of Romania, Romania)

Cristina Mitar (Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation, Deva, Romania)

Podoabe romane descoperite în așezarea civilă de la Micia.

Roman jewelry from the civil settlement at Micia.

dr. Mugur Andronic (Bucovina History Museum, Suceava, Romania)

Cultura Tumulilor carpatici – stadiul cercetării.

La culture des tumuli carpatiques – l’étape de la connaissance

ora 2000 / 2000 hours

Cina / dinner

Vineri 30 august / Friday, 30 august

Ora 900 / 900 hours


The Flavian and Trajanic Forts in the Roman Empire(70-117 CE)

Moderator: dr. Mihail Zahariade (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy)

Opening speech of the Workshop: The Flavian and Trajanic forts (70-117 CE).

dr. William Hanson (University of Glasgow, Scotland)

Elginhaugh: a Flavian fort and its annexe.

dr. Matthias Flück (Kantonsarchäologie Aargau, Switzerland)

The legionary camp Vindonissa in the Flavian-Trajanic period.

dr. Christine Meyer-Freuler (Kantonsarchäologie Aargau, Switzerland)

The pottery of the 11th legion.

dr. Julian Benett (İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, Turkey)

Gordion: a Neronian/Flavian-Trajanic military depot?

Lucian-Mircea Mureșan (member of the Halmyris project, Romania)

Ioana Crețulescu (University of Bucharest Ph.D. candidate, member of the Halmyris project)

The west gate of the Drajna de Sus fort.

dr. Lászlo Borhy (University Eötvös Loránd, Department of Classical and Roman Provincial Archaeology, Hungary)

The legions and the legionary fort(s?) from Brigetio under Trajan.

dr. Bogdan Ciupercă (Prahova County Museum of History and Archaeology, Romania)

dr. Andrei Măgureanu (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy, Romania)

The presence of Rome in Barbaricum: archaeological evidence from Târgşoru Vechi.

dr. Coriolan Horaţiu Oprean (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

The Earliest Roman Military Presence in Banat and South-Western Transylvania.

dr. Adrian Ardeţ (County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment Caransebeș, Romania)

Lucia Carmen Ardeţ (County Museum of Ethnography and the Border Regiment Caransebeș, Romania)

The late 1st and early 2nd century Roman forts in the Banat area. A case study: the marching camp at Zăvoi.

dr. Varbin Varbanov (Rousse Regional Historical Museum, Bulgaria)

Coin hoards from Lower Moesia and Thrace (70-117 CE).

dr. Mihail Zahariade (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy, Romania)

The Roman army routes of advancement from eastern Lower Moesia towards Dacian kingdom and its marching camps in the first Dacian war

dr. Ovidiu Ţentea (National History Museum of Romania)

Why there? The preliminaries of constructing a Roman frontier in south-east Dacia

dr. Alexandru Popa (National Museum of Eastern Carpathians, Sfântu Gheorghe, Romania)

Der Blicküber die Grenze: die Barbarenjenseits des dako-moesischen Limes bis zur Gebietsreorganisation vom Kaiser Hadrian

ora 1330 / 1330 hours

dejun / lunch break

ora 1500 / 1500 hours

desfășurarea lucrărilor/papers

moderator: dr. Aurel Vîlcu (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy, București)

dr. Virgil Mihailescu-Bîrliba (Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, Iași, Romania)

Moneda romană republicană în Dacia pre-romană

Republican roman coins founded in pre-roman Dacia.

dr. Mihai Dima (National Bank of Romania)

Monede descoperite în situri romane de la începutul sec. al II-lea p.Chr. din Muntenia și Banat.

Coins discovered in Wallachian and Banat roman sites from the beginning of the 2nd century A.D.

dr. Aurel Vîlcu (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy)

dr. Aurel Stănică (Institute for Eco-Museum Researches, Tulcea)

Descoperiri monetare recente la Noviodunum

Recent monetary discoveries from Noviodunum.

Stoyan Mihaylov (Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria)

Collective coin find from 5th century AD

dr. Monica Dejan (Bucovina History Museum, Suceava, Romania)

Un solidus de la sfârşitul secolului VI descoperit la Soloneţu de Jos (jud. Suceava)

A solidus from end of the 6th century founded at Solonețu de Jos (Suceava County).

moderator: dr. Coriolan Opreanu (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Vlad Lazarescu (Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca)

Epoca turbulenta. Noi date privind orizontul „post-cerneahovian” din Transilvania

dr. Eugen Marius Constantinescu (Buzău County Museum of History, Romania)

Despre datarea ansamblului arheologic de la Pietroasa

About the chronology of archaeological site from Pietroasa.

dr. Daniela Tănase (Museum of Banat, Timișoara, Romania)

Unele consideraţii în legătură cu arheologia epocii timpurii a migraţiilor în Banat

Some observations concerning archaeology of early migration period in Banat.

dr. Joan Pinar Gil (Centre de Recherches d’Historie et Civilisation de Byzance, France)

Missing, unnoticed or misunderstood? A contribution to the funerary archaeology of the regnum Tolosanum (5th c. AD)

dr. Michelle Beghelli (Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz, Germany)

Interlace networks. Early medieval sculpture between Trentino and Bavaria.

Nikolay Hrissimov (“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria)

Carolingian type finds from Bulgaria

dr. Stela Doncheva, Nikolaj Nikolov (National Institute of Archaeology and Museum – Bulgarian Academy of Science)

Signet rings with mythical creatures from Medieval Bulgaria

dr. Erwin Gáll (Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan”, Romanian Academy, București)

Date privind habitatul medieval al Clujului (secolele 11‒13)

Dates regarding the medieval habitat of Cluj (11th – 13th centuries)

dr. Silviu Oţa (National Museum of Romanian History)

Cercei decoraţi cu pandantiv sferic cu pseudogranule (sec. XII-începutul sec. XIV)

Earrings with pseudo-granulated spherical pendant (12th – early 14th centuries)

ora 2000 / 2000 hours

Cina / dinner

Sâmbătă 31 august / Saturday, 31 august

Ora 900

Documentary trip: departure to Roman military camps Drajna and Mălăiești. Discussions about presented papers.

ora 1330 / 1330 hours

dejun / lunch break


29 august, 2013
31 august, 2013
Event Category: