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București: Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds / O diagramă între 5 lumi Vernisaj și turul expoziției, în prezența lui Matt Mullican și Erwin Kessler.
24 iunie, 2021

Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds / O diagramă între 5 lumi
Vernisaj și turul expoziției, în prezența lui Matt Mullican și Erwin Kessler.
Joi, 24 iunie 2021, MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă, bdul Primăverii 15.
Intrare liberă
MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă
Partener principal:
Terra Foundation for American Art
Centrul Cultural Expo Arte
Goethe-Institut București
Cu sprijinul:
Intercontinental Bucharest
MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă
Partener principal:
Terra Foundation for American Art
Centrul Cultural Expo Arte
Goethe-Institut București
Cu sprijinul:
Intercontinental Bucharest
Matt Mullican (SUA), este primul artist străin de talie internațională care vine la MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă de la începutul pandemiei. Înaintea lui, între octombrie 2018 și martie 2020 au fost Jeff Wall (Canada), Martin Creed (UK), Thomas Ruff (Germania) și Gregor Schneider (Germania). Marcia Hafif (SUA), Tino Sehgal (Germania), Hermann Nitsch (Austria), VALIE EXPORT (Austria), respectiv Gert&Uwe Tobias (Germania) au avut expoziții la MARe fără a fi prezenți fizic în București.
Expoziția Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds/ O diagramă între 5 lumi este dedicată unuia dintre cei mai influenți și consacrați artiști americani din Picture Generation, mișcarea artistică actuală cu rădăcini în conceptualismul american al anilor 70. Între colegii săi de generație, Matt Mullican se distinge prin complexitatea ansamblului său teoretic-speculativ, o veritabilă filozofie în imagini, care acoperă, sub semnul celor 5 lumi pe care le identifică, nu doar semiologia și cosmologia, ci și antropologicul, biologicul, etica și religia.
Sistemul său (pictură, sculptură, video, instalații, desen, fotografie, poezie, performance) reprezintă la ora actuală cea mai complexă teorie totală asupra lumii elaborată de vreun artist activ. Este un sistem care leagă arta de întregul univers perceptibil și conceptibil, într-un proces creator și intelectual care conduce către o explicare subiectivă, dar fără rest, a întregii lumi și a universului. Impactul operei sale, prezentată pentru prima data în România, va fi extrem de profund, date fiind implicațiile simbolice, politice, morale, vizuale și filozofice ale operei sale intens angajată în existența actuală, în problemele lumii.
A chart between 5 worlds/ O diagramă între 5 lumi este un ansamblu retrospectiv al operei lui Matt Mullican și a fost concepută pentru MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă. Cele peste 470 de lucrări provenind din colecții europene (Muzeul de Artă din Liechtenstein, Galeria Mai 36 din Zurich, MARe București) vor învălui efectiv întregul atrium MARe, pe înălțimea a 4 etaje și inter-etaje (mai puțin subsolul), devenind un veritabil microscop/telescop îndreptat speculativ spre găurile negre ale înțelegerii lumii noastre.
Matt Mullican va susține, pe durata celor 10 zile în care va colabora la instalarea expoziției sale la MARe, o serie de ateliere, conferințe și dezbateri cu artiști, galeriști, curatori și publicul larg, pe teme ce țin de istoria artei contemporane, de sistemul artistic actual, de învățămîntul artistic și curatorial (Matt Mullican a fost profesor la departamentele de artă ale unor universități prestigioase din întreaga lume, de la Columbia University la Hamburg, Frankfurt și Amsterdam).
Expoziția Matt Mulltican: A chart between 5 worlds/ O diagramă între 5 lumi este primul episod dintr-o serie de trei colaborări pe care MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă București le va avea între anii 2021-2023 cu Terra Foundation for American Art. MARe a câștigat în cursul anului 2020 o competiție internațională lansată de Terra Foundation for American Art, instituție federală care are ca obiect promovarea artei americane în lume, prin programe de cercetare și de educație care valorifică arta americană contemporană. Programul Voiced On: American Conceptual Art at MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă București este singurul program propus de vreo instituție culturală română care a primit vreodată finanțare din partea prestigioasei Terra Foundation for American Art.
Terra Foundation for American Art este dedicată promovării explorării, înțelegerii și aprecierii artelor vizuale din Statele Unite pentru publicul național și internațional. Recunoscând importanța experimentării operelor de artă originale, fundația oferă oportunități de interacțiune și studiu, începând cu prezentarea și dezvoltarea propriei colecții de artă din Chicago. Pentru a continua dialogul intercultural despre arta americană, fundația sprijină și colaborează la expoziții inovatoare, cercetare și programe educaționale. Implicit în astfel de activități există convingerea că arta are deopotrivă capacitatea atât de a individualiza culturi, cât și de a le uni. (Erwin Kessler, curator)
The opening and tour of the exhibition, in the presence of Matt Mullican and Erwin Kessler.
Thursday, 24th June 2021, MARe/Museum of Recent Art, Primăverii Boulevard 15.
Free entrance
The opening and tour of the exhibition, in the presence of Matt Mullican and Erwin Kessler.
Thursday, 24th June 2021, MARe/Museum of Recent Art, Primăverii Boulevard 15.
Free entrance
MARe/Museum of Recent Art
Main partner:
Terra Foundation for American Art
Cultural Center Expo Arte
Goethe-Institut Bucharest
With the support:
Intercontinental Bucharest
MARe/Museum of Recent Art
Main partner:
Terra Foundation for American Art
Cultural Center Expo Arte
Goethe-Institut Bucharest
With the support:
Intercontinental Bucharest
Matt Mullican (USA) is the first international foreign artist coming at MARe/Museum of Recent Art since the start of the pandemic crisis. Before him, between October 2018 and March 2020, Jeff Wall (Canada), Martin Creed (UK), Thomas Ruff (Germany) and Gregor Schneider (Germany) honored our invitation. Marcia Hafif (USA), Tino Sehgal (Germany), Hermann Nitsch (Austria), VALIE EXPORT (Austria) and Gert&Uwe Tobias (Germany) had exhibitions at MARe without being physically present in Bucharest.
The exhibition “Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds / O diagramă între 5 lumi” is dedicated to one of the most influent and important American artists from Pictures Generation, contemporary artistic movement rooting in the American conceptualism of the 70s. Among his fellow generation artists, Matt Mullican stands out through the complexity of his theoretical-speculative system, a genuine philosophy put into images, which covers, under the sign of the 5 worlds that it identifies, not only semiology and cosmology but also the anthropological, biological, ethical and religious dimensions.
His system (painting, sculpture, video, installations, drawing, photography, poetry, performance) represents the most complex contemporary total theory of the world built by an active artist. This system links art to the entire perceptible and conceivable universe, in a creative and intellectual process leading towards a thorough subjective explanation of the entire world and universe. His work – now presented in Romania for the first time – will have a deep impact, considering the symbolic, political, moral, visual and philosophical implications of his body of work which is intensely employed in the present existence and world’s matters.
“A chart between 5 worlds / O diagram între 5 lumi” is a retrospective ensemble of the work of Matt Mullican and was conceived for MARe/Museum of Recent Art. The over 470 works coming from European collections (Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Mai 36 Gallery from Zurich, MARe Bucharest) will literally envelop the whole atrium from MARe, throughout its all four floors and interlevels (except for the basement), turning into a genuine microscope/telescope oriented in a speculative direction towards the black holes of the understanding of our world.
Throughout the 10 days when he will collaborate for the installation of his exhibition at MARe, Matt Mullican will offer a series of workshops, conferences and debates with artists, gallerists, curators and the audience, on matters regarding the history of contemporary art, the present artistic system, the artistic and curatorial university education (Matt Mullican activated as a professor at art departments of some of the most prestigious universities throughout the world, from Columbia University to Hamburg, Frankfurt and Amsterdam).
The exhibition ”Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds / O diagram între 5 lumi” is the first episode of a series of three collaborations that MARe/Museum of Recent Art will have between 2021 and 2023 with Terra Foundation for American Art. In 2020, MARe won an international competition launched by Terra Foundation for American Art, federal institution the object of which is the promotion of American art throughout the globe, through research and education programs which value contemporary American art.
The program Voiced On: American Conceptual Art at MARe/Museum of Recent Art Bucharest is the only program proposed by a Romanian cultural institution to ever receive funding from the prestigious Terra Foundation for American Art.
Terra Foundation for American Art is dedicated to promoting the exploration, understanding and appreciation of visual arts in the US for the national and international program. Acknowledging the importance of viewing original works of art, the foundation offers opportunities for interaction and study, starting with the presentation and development of their own art collection from Chicago. In order to continue the intercultural dialogue about American art, the foundation supports and brings its contribution to innovating exhibitions, educational programs and research. These activities share the belief that art can bring to cultures both individuality and union. (Erwin Kessler, curator)
Matt Mullican (USA) is the first international foreign artist coming at MARe/Museum of Recent Art since the start of the pandemic crisis. Before him, between October 2018 and March 2020, Jeff Wall (Canada), Martin Creed (UK), Thomas Ruff (Germany) and Gregor Schneider (Germany) honored our invitation. Marcia Hafif (USA), Tino Sehgal (Germany), Hermann Nitsch (Austria), VALIE EXPORT (Austria) and Gert&Uwe Tobias (Germany) had exhibitions at MARe without being physically present in Bucharest.
The exhibition “Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds / O diagramă între 5 lumi” is dedicated to one of the most influent and important American artists from Pictures Generation, contemporary artistic movement rooting in the American conceptualism of the 70s. Among his fellow generation artists, Matt Mullican stands out through the complexity of his theoretical-speculative system, a genuine philosophy put into images, which covers, under the sign of the 5 worlds that it identifies, not only semiology and cosmology but also the anthropological, biological, ethical and religious dimensions.
His system (painting, sculpture, video, installations, drawing, photography, poetry, performance) represents the most complex contemporary total theory of the world built by an active artist. This system links art to the entire perceptible and conceivable universe, in a creative and intellectual process leading towards a thorough subjective explanation of the entire world and universe. His work – now presented in Romania for the first time – will have a deep impact, considering the symbolic, political, moral, visual and philosophical implications of his body of work which is intensely employed in the present existence and world’s matters.
“A chart between 5 worlds / O diagram între 5 lumi” is a retrospective ensemble of the work of Matt Mullican and was conceived for MARe/Museum of Recent Art. The over 470 works coming from European collections (Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Mai 36 Gallery from Zurich, MARe Bucharest) will literally envelop the whole atrium from MARe, throughout its all four floors and interlevels (except for the basement), turning into a genuine microscope/telescope oriented in a speculative direction towards the black holes of the understanding of our world.
Throughout the 10 days when he will collaborate for the installation of his exhibition at MARe, Matt Mullican will offer a series of workshops, conferences and debates with artists, gallerists, curators and the audience, on matters regarding the history of contemporary art, the present artistic system, the artistic and curatorial university education (Matt Mullican activated as a professor at art departments of some of the most prestigious universities throughout the world, from Columbia University to Hamburg, Frankfurt and Amsterdam).
The exhibition ”Matt Mullican: A chart between 5 worlds / O diagram între 5 lumi” is the first episode of a series of three collaborations that MARe/Museum of Recent Art will have between 2021 and 2023 with Terra Foundation for American Art. In 2020, MARe won an international competition launched by Terra Foundation for American Art, federal institution the object of which is the promotion of American art throughout the globe, through research and education programs which value contemporary American art.
The program Voiced On: American Conceptual Art at MARe/Museum of Recent Art Bucharest is the only program proposed by a Romanian cultural institution to ever receive funding from the prestigious Terra Foundation for American Art.
Terra Foundation for American Art is dedicated to promoting the exploration, understanding and appreciation of visual arts in the US for the national and international program. Acknowledging the importance of viewing original works of art, the foundation offers opportunities for interaction and study, starting with the presentation and development of their own art collection from Chicago. In order to continue the intercultural dialogue about American art, the foundation supports and brings its contribution to innovating exhibitions, educational programs and research. These activities share the belief that art can bring to cultures both individuality and union. (Erwin Kessler, curator)