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București: The Museum of the Future / Muzeul viitorului / Museum der Zukunf

3 octombrie, 2019

Muzeul Municipiului București vă invită să participați la dezbaterea publică, organizată sub genericul „Idei în Agora”, cu tema „The Museum of the Future / Muzeul viitorului / Museum der Zukunft” care va avea loc la Casa Filipescu-Cesianu (Calea Victoriei 151), joi 3 octombrie, între orele 14:00 – 16:00.
Volker Rodekamp, Anselm Hartinger, Adrian Majuru
Moderator: Sorin Antohi

Cu prilejul împlinirii a 30 de ani de la căderea Zidului Berlinului, Ambasada Germaniei organizează, împreună cu oraşul Leipzig şi parteneri români, în perioada 1-4 octombrie 2019, „Zilele culturale Leipzig la Bucureşti”.
Oraşul Leipzig este considerat deschizător de drum al Revoluţiei Paşnice şi are, din acest motiv, o legătură specială cu România în contextul evenimentelor din 1989. Conferința, susținută în limba în limba engleză, se înscrie în acest program, organizat de Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania în România și Primăria orașului Leipzig.

Accesul este gratuit.
The series, Ideas in the Agora, opens its third year with two public discussions devoted to the revolutions of 1989. These events are a continuation of our Ideas in the Agora Festival, which has already included a colloquium (on 23 June), also debating the theme of 1989 and of its aftermath. The evenings of 1 and 4 October feature invited guests from Leipzig, in the framework of a Leipzig Week in Bucharest organized by the City of Leipzig, the Embassy of Germany in Romania, and the City of Bucharest. I would like to thank all those, in Germany and in Romania, who made these events possible. This afternoon, the topic of debate is the museum of the future. In our time–presentist (to use François Hartog’s theory of regimes of historicity) or posthistorical (to use Hegel and Kant as read by Kojève and, more recently, Fukuyama)–, the very idea and the future of the museum have been called into question. Three distinguished museum professionals are tackling these issues, suggesting ways in which the museum of the future can still be a significant site of public memory, research, dialogue, education and more – Sorin Antohi
Anselm Hartinger (b. 1971) is since April 2019 the Director of the City of Leipzig Museum of History. Prior to that, since December 2014, he was the Director of the City of Erfurt Mueum of History. He has studied History, Philosophy, and Historical Musicology at the University of Leipzig. His Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Marburg dealt with Bach’s legacy and the musical life of Leipig between 1829 and 1852. He has been extremely active in and for museums, exhibitions, education (a.o., as a History teacher in Sibiu, 1998-1999, and faculty member at the univeristies of Dresden and Leipzig), concerts, public debates, archives, festivals, cultural and heritage tourism, etc. Numerous publications in his fields.
Volker Rodekamp (b. 1953) was the Director of the History Museum of the City of Leipzig from 1996 to 2019. He has studied at the Braunschweig Technical University and the Westfalian Wilhelm University Münster. He received his Ph.D. at the latter, for his research in Cultural Anthropology, Ethnology, and Journalism, and for a dissertation on the changes in Westfalia’s traditional craftsmanship. Has worked in various positions at museums, in city administration, and has taught at universities in Münster, Berlin, and Leipzig. Former President of the German Association of Museums, member of the boards of numerous professional and academic organizations in Germany and abroad.
Adrian Majuru (b. 1968) is the Director of the Museum of the City of Bucharest. He has studied History at the University of Bucharest, where he has also received his Ph.D. His many publications deal with cultural and intellectual history, urban studies, minorities and identities, the history of everyday life.
Sorin Antohi (b. 1957) is a historian of ideas, essayist, translator. He serves on the Scientific Council of the Museum of the City of Bucharest. A former professor in several countries, he is a member of the Academia Europaea.


3 octombrie, 2019
Categorie Eveniment:


Muzeul Municipiului București
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Casa „Filipescu-Cesianu” – Muzeul Municipiului București
Calea Victoriei nr. 151
București, București 010072 Romania
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